He starts by sowing seeds of doubt in her mind; "Did God Really Say.." Genesis 3:1
We have all done it haven't we? Is it just me? There is something we want.. bad! We know God said no; or did He? Then comes justification... we may even search the scriptures for a loophole. "Did God really say this is wrong?"
"Satan deceived Eve by causing her to question the goodness, love, and motives of God."
Sometimes Satan (or people) add to what God said to make God seem as though He were not good "Did God really say 'You must not eat from any tree in the garden'?" Eve added her own bit of legalisms by saying God said not to touch it, but he only said "do not eat".Satan knows by making what God knows is best for us, into some over the top form of legalism will cause us to wonder if God is just keeping something from us.
God gives us so many wonderful things, more than we can ever want or need. Anything God says we shouldn't have is for our benefit, because He loves us. He is not holding out on anything that would bring us happiness. In fact, like the tree, anything we should not have leads to death!
Wait! Do we get this??
I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;Deuteronomy 30:19
God wants to give us life! Satan wants to give us death!
"The Serpent further deceived Eve by lying to her about the consequences of choosing to disobey God"
God had said that when they ate of The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil they will surely die. Satan told Eve. "you shall not surely die" Genesis 3:4Did you ever think "I'll just do this thing that I want, and when I am done I will tell God I am sorry, and then everything will be fine"? (maybe not quite like that, but you know what I mean) Well although God is forgiving, it does not deliver us from our consequences, we shouldn't abuse God's grace.
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.
Galatians 6:7
Lets' Talk
- What seemingly good thing did Satan offer Eve?
- Can you share a testimony of a time you thought this way? Do you see now that you would have benefited from trusting God and being obedient?
There was a time in my life when I hated God because I would pray with childlike faith for Him to deliver me from abuse that was taking place from a next door neighbor. I wanted to die at a very young age. I was completely lost. I believed every lie that Satan told me. "Did God really say not to make your self feel better and escape this horrible reality that your in with mind altering substances?" was the first lie that shaped the rest of my life. Substance after substance along with being super promiscuous from the age of 13, set me on a path of destruction. I lost faith completely in God, as far as I was concerned He didn't exist (lie #2). Needless to say about 4yrs ago I came to understand a relationship with a loving God and His son which would now shape the rest of my life again. Now He has opened my eyes to see that everything of this world is a lie. My one hope is that because of my past I can reach other young women and let them know that they don't have to live that way and that there is a God who loves them. They can live in the truth and that will set them free. Free from sexual abuse, sexual sin, drug abuse and self abuse by eating disorder. I no longer live in self pity because that is of no use to God that is another lie which is widely expressed with psychologist. But even though I was in a 12 step program and seeing a doctor my life didn't change until my view of who God is changed. Yes i did get sober and I stopped the laxatives and am no longer obsessed with what I eat, but until I started to seek God everyday in everything I still lived in my own bondage. This book is right on point with my whole life and I'm glad that God put you women in my path!
What an awesome testimony!
I can relate with the eating disorder, but on the other end of the spectrum. I used food to tame emotion, but mostly just plain gluttony and selfishness.
I can also relate with the substance abuse and sexual sin. Before the Lord saved me, I was in bondage to constantly having to be "partying" and "sexy" Until the Truth of Jesus Christ set me free!
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